
Safety is the top priority for all of our employees. It is foremost in our minds as we do our jobs, every day. Employee training programs and processes support our commitment to safety. Our safety pledge resonates through the organization, from our drivers to the board room.

  • Thorough employee background screening
  • Annual driver evaluations and records checks
  • Continuous school bus safety training
  • Daily bus safety inspections
  • Child check policy
  • GPS, Camera technology
  • Preventive bus maintenance programs

Safe, Reliable Transportation and On-Time Arrivals

Our buses are equipped with cutting-edge safety and GPS tracking equipment that keeps students safe while complying with Ministries and schools safety, monitoring and reporting requirements

Safe Drivers and Attendants

The most important safety element on the bus is the driver. Therefore, we invest heavily in driver hiring, training and ongoing development.

Student Behavior Training

Because our drivers are an important part of each student’s successful school day, they are extensively trained to handle and diffuse potentially negative student behaviors, including bullying and harassment. Transporting Special-Needs Children Children with disabilities and special needs require an enhanced level of attention and specific care. That’s why we hire specially-dedicated drivers and attendants and provide additional training for special-needs transportation.